Tuesday, 17 July 2012

New Centre For Cities Report

Towns which were doing well in 1901 are still on top now says a new report by the influential Centre for Cities think tank. Cities Outlook 1901 takes data from the 1901 Census to trace the economic fortunes of cities in the UK over the course of the 20th century.  By providing fresh insight into successful urban economies at the beginning of the 20th century, the report helps us to understand what policy makers can do to improve the prospects of cities for the future. In particular, Cities Outlook 1901 finds that skills are the most important factor determining long-term urban success, and therefore should be a key area for policy intervention. Seven out of eight of the best performing cities today had above average skills levels in 1901, while 80 percent of cities with vulnerable economies in 2012 fall into the bottom 20 cities for skills levels in 1901.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Belfast Sound Map

For all of us working on place and people's perceptions  mapping, this is a great and creative piece of work. I love it!

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Cities Outlook 2012

The Centre for Cities have just published their annual health check on UK cities – Cities Outlook shows that the gap between places has widened since the recession, with cities like Cambridge, London and Edinburgh continuing to do well, while cities with struggling economies are falling further behind.