Thursday, 28 July 2011


Our heart goes out to our friends and colleagues in Norway during these difficult times. Your openness and democratic values are an inspiration to us all.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Bastille Day Reading

To celebrate the 14th of July in true French style, we suggest you revisit the Penguin collection of essays by Georges Perec titled Species of Spaces and Other Pieces . His reflections on how space begins and how it is made are playful and poetic. In essence, by asking the question: 'where is our space?' Perec shows that, above all, planning needs to fulfil human needs and urbanism has to be the ultimate goal of place-making.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Rethinking the Creative City

Cities from all over the world are undergoing change and transformation, and some are developing interesting models of social and urban innovation, mostly out of necessity and only with hindsight do they see themselves as 'creative cities'. For at least a decade now the 'creative city' label has been used in some cases as an aspiration and in others as a brand, an unquestioned byword for enhanced urban competitiveness and boosted attraction factors. Following the global financial meltdown, cities more than ever need inspiration and forward-looking thinking. This is why we welcome the start of a frank and open debate about both the positives and the negatives of the 'creative city' approach. Here is an article on this subject published by Lia Ghilardi in the Czech architecture magazine ERA 21 in August 2009.

  • C. Landry: Creativity @ The Crossroads

  • Centre for Cities: Get Real with the Creative City

  • C. Leadbeater: The Completely Creative City

  • A. Pratt: Creative cities – the cultural industries and the creative class

  • GJ. Hospers and CJ.Pen: A View on Creative Cities beyond the Hype

  • O. Mould: Ranking Creative Cities: an exercise in futility?

  • M. Nathan: The Wrong Stuff

  • J. Peck: The creativity fix