Monday, 23 June 2008

Gävle Conference

The auditorium was full on the opening day of Konstcentrum’s seminars on cultural planning and art in public space. Artists and people working in cultural fields from all over Sweden mixed with interested local residents and international guests.
Lia Ghilardi, founder and director of Noema Research and Planning Ltd in London, talked about her method of mapping places from a cultural perspective. She began by cautioning against large architectural flagship projects which are often at risk of becoming " a second-life architecture for fantasy cities"...

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Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Creative Cities Forum, Peking University

Abstract: This paper deals with the issues associated with the use ofculture in urban regeneration and place-shaping and, through the use of practical examples of implementation, discusses cultural planning as a method for the delivery of integrated and sustainable cultural and urban development policies.


Cultural Planning

This is my brand of cultural planning

Cultural Mapping

This is a short explanation of what is cultural mapping and how to do it